Slavery in the United Kingdom

My stance on removing slavery completely, in all its forms, in England. Poem is at end.

Human slavery unfortunately, is a growing concern not a dying one.

Our government is allowing workers to be flown in from Europe during covid19 rather than pay a proper wage to farm pickers here. The discrimination that the Latvia workers and people suffered whilst in the UK was disgusting levels. In fact, you could say, Brexit was anti-European.

We have in England zero-hour contracts, bad working conditions, no entitlement to holiday or sick pay and less and less facilities available due to the growing population. Housing is built but the infrastructure is left small, these developments are straining to capacity. The new housing is filled by newcomers with ‘protected’ statuses.

Au pairs are brought in from France and kept in terrible conditions and mistreated, sometimes killed. Denied food, money to phone their parents, money to return home, their passports taken from them by their ’employer’.

Sophie Lionnet should be remembered; her masters tried to burn her body in the garden after they’d drowned her beaten body, this poor white woman endured torture at the hands of her captives for months. As their nanny she looked after their children so lovingly. She had no one adult to turn to.

Sophie Lionnet was a beautiful soul. Her killers easily caught as Sophie was white, they didn’t think anything of just burning her body in the back garden. Neighbours smelled it and called firefighters. The Old Baily put them down for thirty years…not long enough.

One of her killers (I will not name them) has been given public money to appeal the conviction, although they videoed themselves beating her and were both in the garden trying to destroy the body when authorities appeared, they lied and said they were having a barbeque – when do victims matter?

It seems whilst the world argues for a more superior outlook on all black people (regardless of their characters), they’ve dropped the ball on protecting everyone. It seems the effect of promoting black lives matter seems to do the exact opposite to white people who continue to be the most trafficked.

Thirty-nine dead Vietnamese bodies found dead in a truck last year in England were bound for Ireland…when will their lives matter?

So, this Angry White Woman has something to say and a little historical reference from ancient times is going to help me, as this divisive treatment has been going on since slavery was introduced to literature through Hebrew texts and before.

The Israelites took what was around and wrote the Mosaic Law which included rules like foreign slaves could be kept forever but Hebrew slaves could be released after seven years and rules about their care.

Hebrews didn’t invent slavery, they were just the first ones to put law down on paper; their law about slaves covered what and who you could and couldn’t do, etc, but this was in the Middle East, thousands of years ago, before the Bible or the Qur’an were written.

There was already a slave code called The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi in place in 1750 BC that is almost two thousand years before Christ is reported to have been born. Slavery has been around for a long time. It was used for all sort of reasons.

  1. Spoils of war.
  2. Kidnap
  3. Voluntarily – by need or punishment or debt

Slavery was the grease which seemed to keep these empires going and it didn’t fall out of favour for a very long time and I would argue that as it is still legal in some countries more should be done to stamp out what is left, or at least educate against its ideology.

Several Roman Emperors used their positions to make conditions better for slaves, AntonioPius (138 – 168 AD) brought Roman laws in stating slaves could be freed if treated cruelly. Masters could be jailed if they killed a slave. And before that Nero made it that slaves could have their day in court.

The Roman Empire embodied and still encouraged most forms of slavery and it was very much part of religious systems too. The Romans did many things which Angles/Celts or native Britons did not. The Romans did not conquer the United Kingdom with warriors.

Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable quotes (Pope) Gregory the Great as saying (540- 604 AD) – this is a famous saying, most English are not taught Latin at school so do not understand it but manuscripts were written in Latin.

“Angles, Non Angli, sed angeli”

Which is Latin for,

“not Angles but angels”.

Legend has it that Gregory the Great, prefect of Rome, saw some fair headed slaves in the local market and he enquired where they came from. He was told they were heathens from Angle. Heathen means doesn’t believe in God.

On hearing this, he sent Augustine to convert the Angles.

Augustine set up his mission on the Angle islands in 596AD (Britain). Both Gregory and Augustine were sainted for what they did. The internet will tell you that Angles came from Germany, but Angletere is still the French name for England, it means land of the Angles. The Romans had previously tried to conquer all of United Kingdom and failed.

So, I wrote all you would be, modern day, trade slavers and ‘cavers’ a poem. It seems my persecuted history is screaming out to be heard and listened to right now. There are rumours flying around in the media that China is trying to take over – nah, I’m still convinced this is elitists from black lives matter making a move to subjugate the country known as Great Britain, for a Christian or Unified Faith and a brand New Order of Faith and Grace – more legal responsibility given to faiths in Sharia or Mosaic courts.

I’m really hope I am wrong and that I am suffering from white persecution anxiety because of all the news coverage of black lives matter and losing three white male friends to covid19. My experiences at the hands of a few black people are also colouring my view, pardon the pun.

However, having spent many hours discussing with young people online in black lives matter it has come to my attention that they are badly informed, almost radicalized to black lives matter movement and are angry at White British people for ‘ruining the world with colonization’.

Having not argued with one black person about black lives matter I doubt this agenda is actually doing them any favours. It has been Christian white women and Indian/british women who have been pushing the black lives matter ideology in Watford. Not discounting the rising chorus and very public statement of Anthony Joshua telling folks to only buy from black companies and stores. This boy was not oppressed growing up, he led a charmed existence, cossetted by his UK based Aunt in the social services and his wealthy family in Nigeria.

So, in true British banter form here is my take in poem form, of course. If it offends you it’s done what I wanted it to. We didn’t invent Colonization, we just did it. Like, right now, in Africa there is colonization going on. Cameroon killing Ambazonians because they want to continue to speak English. Do their black lives matter?

I thought it to be funny in my poem, as right now humour and education beats violence and threats hands down. There is a nod to the computer language uform and spell binding. The so called white magic lightening peace keepers within our code. Really? Hmmm. Adding to the drama of the fight for ‘good and evil’.

There is a tiny nod to another pagan friend of mine who has just done a course of magic and got a certificate for it. She is studying the Yoruba religion which funnily enough declared its people were going to take over North America this year.

I’m sorry but pagan at heart I just don’t like it. Looks like we are not all the same.

Paganism means more to me, it means freedom and living well, not under oppression.

My Lilley White Arse

By Samantha “unextraordinarybint” Harris written June 2020, under lockdown.

Don’t you just love my skinny butt?

Does it make you jealous much?

Do you like my Lilly white skin?

Notice how it shimmers within.

In the moon and the sun.

How about my blue blood?

What’s under your hood?

History would hasten to add

That not all of you are bad

But envious many of you are

Of my beautiful scars

Oh, you,

Those with souls as dark as night

As black as mud

What were you thinking of?

Your blackness does you defy

Shining in the pupil of our eyes.

You’ve murdered, raped and killed

Across the lands

You’ve multiplied and lied.

You’ve kept hatred in your hearts

And, now you have to start,


Your skin is not worse than me

But your behaviours undesirable be

You communicate

That you want to separate,

So you can plot against me,


Is the jealousy why you hate?

Oh, the spirit world is very clear

All bad magic comes back near

I see what you have done

The darkness you’ve become

It’s not for me to judge

I know the worthiness of me

And I deserve to be free

I will not be enslaved to you

No matter what you do

I will not take the knee

Or break bread with thee

As that would physically


Metaphorically be

Just because you hate me.

You hate me because of my skin,

Not for what lies within.

You are a master is every way

And your hatred is gaining sway.

Emily Jones, Lee Rigby,

Luke O’Connell, Daniel Rush,

Too many we can think of

Innocents stabbed as they lived along

Do you justify this hatred in your hearts?

Perhaps it is time to part?

It’s not the way it should be

But yes,

Right now, I’d like you far from me.

Every chance has been given you.

Will you ever be true?

Integrity what a joke you be

Your lies will catch up with thee.


The End.









7 responses to “Slavery And My Lilley White Arse (poem)”

  1. That post was amazing, first the prose and it comes across as heart felt, I may not agree with everything you said there but I respect you for saying it. The poem (Lily White Arse) my word, how poignant, full of passion and such a disturbing subject to follow (slavery and it’s history). While we still haven’t managed to eradicate slavery completely, there are ways to fight it and once again, I stand very impressed with your words and works.

  2. I was wondering how you were going to connect the dots on your lily white arse and slavery. Well done you!

      1. BTW, what is that art from? It reminds me of Giger.

        1. It’s an artist called Spencer John Derry. Yes, I like the Giger feel to it.

          1. Thank you for that. I just did a Google image search. He is amazing.
