The term is not good enough.

The term is wrong.

It ought to be Bad and Good Magic.

How did it become colour coded?

Down the rabbit hole, I look and discover that magic is practiced by all races and all types of humans. Basically it is the prayer device of pagans.

Let’s look into what bad magic is….

Rituals and spells designed to hurt people, often for monetary gain but also from anger, revenge or really poor guidance.

Voodo dolls could be seen as bad magic…

Voodo is rarely practiced in England by pagans (until migrants brought it here) but often practiced in Africa and the Americas. The links will take you to youtube videos of badly performed magic.. If practiced in England it is done on the quiet as it is seen as evil magic to many people.

Sorry, but it is. End of. Does harm = evil.

Magic and religion have gone modern. They use materials available in their environment, and have moved to music and video to spread their message. They have moved on from books and posters.

Sacrifice is another issue – some would say it is good magic and others, like myself, would say it is bad. I’d go further and say it is evil. Killing something to gain advantage somewhere else? Come on!

The word ‘sacrifice’ is used and banded about with little thought as to what it really means.

Sacrifice is supposed to hurt the first person, YOU – ie, you do something to yourself which will mean work or pain in order to attain something of value. It has been mis used, the term sacrifice, by religion and magic and it has to stop. So, just stop it, okay?

I’ve heard terrible tales of sacrifice of animals, children and adults from across the world in the name of magic or religion… This sacrifice is never going to work as there is no sacrifice by the person who is doing the ‘spell’ / ‘incantation’ or ‘prayer’. They are going through zero pain or work – they’ve done it by proxy so, to be honest, it’s just killing life for nothing (money is often involved). You are sad cases.

Real magic or religion should not be about hurting others. I’ve always been led to believe that all bad magic done will come back three fold on the binder (the person doing the spell or prayer).

However, I’ve known large groups of religious and magical orders who use other methods to unsure that their ‘spells’ or ‘prayers’ do work. This is fraud and corruption to attempt to show that the faith put in them is not wasted. They work in gangs, fellowships and brotherhoods.

It is not possible for a person to take evil from another by any method other than kindness. It is only this which can discover truth.

Fear and violence will only ever bring lies. I may add here that I have come across people that the ‘kindness’ may be removing them from society and showing them another life pathway.

People are not kind by colour or faith. That is not a proper way to measure ‘goodness’.

Rabis, binders, priests, imams, witches, pagans, pastors all practise soul searching and self esteem magic. They have a responsibility to keep it good. They have to ensure that it doesn’t become bad or disjointed by judgement and evil thoughts towards others who are different.

There is no black or white magic – just good and bad.

I practise good magic and I happen to be white. This doesn’t make me a white goddess – being black and practising magic doesn’t make a black goddess either.

Yesterday someone attempted to burn me on youtube by telling me that as I am a muzungu he would not talk to me. For those not aware of this term, it is used towards people deemed of ‘priviledge’ given to foreigners in Africa who are white.

As white people are usually good and fair in life most people in Africa USED TO BE very curtious towards people who do not look like them. Mzungu used to be a good term…it is not now.

This gentleman, as well as others, decided that as I was a muzungu, I shouldn’t be on the BBC youtube page and commenting on ‘black things’. Shouldn’t I? What are ‘black things’?

I would like to point out again that the BBC means British Broadcasting Corporation and Britain is a Caucasion country, that is until the influx of mass migration – so I am the indigenous citizen in my land and am allowed to have an opinion on my national TV channel, surely?

American race politics trying to gain black fascist power in England…by saying that we are racist. This woman actually attended Oxford University. She is very privileged compared to most of us…England’s history is white sorry, it just is. African’s history is black and Europe’s history is white – generally.

Putting up all this stuff in the name of God…btw. The internet is full of this stuff and most white people are totally unaware of this battle of good and bad or black and white. They are unaware of them being evil because they are white.

Like Voodo this damage is being done on the quiet using language that Europeans do not know.

Europeans don’t understand that these ‘race’ soldiers are running our NHS services/schools/councils etc. My country is completely unaware of the spells and prayers being said against it. I was unaware of the hatred towards me because I am white until I dated a black man. He was Ugandan and really sweet, his family, however were racist AF.

Please be kind. Please remember that you are human before you are black or white.

Being Jesus’ name into this battle is wrong. Jesus was not a racist as far as I am aware….

Also, BLM’s claims are wrong, I have always know Jesus was black – we know that – he was from the Middle East/North Africa so it is more than likely he was not pure white.

Black religious fascists should be called out. Using the internet and secret codes is as bad as doing voodo behind our backs. Saying prayers and moving against a whole nation of people because of their colour is wrong…these ‘soldiers’ should stand down. There is no fight other than the good one.

They are not harmless. Just because they are doing it in the Lord’s name doesn’t make it right.

– mzungu, look it up.

Is this Black Magic or BAD magic ?

I think it’s all very bad air.

Thanks for reading.
